Compassionate End-Of-Life Care

At Passion Fur Paws we know that every decision you make is in the best interest of your pet. For this reason, we want you to know that we support you and that we will guide you in finding the best way to ensure your pet’s well-being. We are with you every step of the way.

Symptoms that may indicate Quality of Life is diminishing

  • Chronic coughing
  • Labored breathing
  • Regular incontinence
  • Lethargy, disinterested in playing, exercising, eating or interacting with loved ones
  • Hard time moving around
  • Appetite loss
  • Chronic pain that cannot be managed with medication

When Is Euthanasia the Best Option?

One of the hardest decisions that you will have to make as a pet parent is choosing euthanasia, but sometimes this is the best choice for your beloved four-footed companion; especially when they are severely injured or extremely ill. Our goal is to utilize the privilege of euthanasia to prevent any unnecessary suffering.

How to Know When the Time Has Come?

The best way to answer this question is by asking yourself the following question: “Does my pet have more bad days than good days?” If the answer is yes, then euthanasia might be the best way to make your pet more comfortable. Here is a simple way to help you objectively determine your pet's quality of life: 'Good vs. Bad Days Calendar'.

If you are uncertain about timing and are having a hard time, please give us a call at 970-485-1916 or you may even e-mail us at where we will review your concerns and get back to you with our highest recommendation.

You can gather more insight to this question at this helpful site from Lap of Love: 'How Will I Know when it's Time?'.

What Does This Process Look Like And What Should You Be Prepared For?

We care deeply about the comfort of your pet and the bond you have with them. To make this as honorable as possible, we deeply sedate your pet with 1 (sometimes 2) injections under the skin. This allows them to get to a state of deep relaxation where pain feels minimalized and their state of mind is at ease. We will then place an intravenous catheter. The next step includes an IV injection to send your pet into a level of unconsciousness where no pain and no fear are perceived any longer. The final injection is given after that which allows your pet to peacefully pass. The final injection does occur quickly and painlessly.

We perform this in a staged process to reduce stress, pain and fear as much as we possibly can - for both the pet and the family.

What About a Natural Death?

The natural dying process may result in a too long and painful experience depending on your pet’s condition. In contrast, humane euthanasia relieves your pet from any suffering and is a very peaceful and controlled process to ensure a smooth and tranquil transition for your family.

Why In-Home Euthanasia?

Euthanasia, by definition, means "good death." An in-home experience can make this even more relaxing and comforting for your family and your pet. It allows our pets to lay where they are most comfortable and familiar. It also allows more time for such a private and personalized goodbye amongst your family without the stress of moving your possibly painful pet into a vehicle and into another scary environment.

What Are My Aftercare Options?

In Colorado, families are allowed to bury their pets in their backyards if the pet did not die of an infectious disease process. If you're not sure, we will help you determine if that's a wise decision or not.

Cremation is another option for our beloved pets. Cremation takes place at the Summit Animal Shelter and they offer 2 options: communal or private cremation. Communal cremation involves cremating your pet's body with or without other recently departed pets. The remains are NOT returned to the family if this option is chosen. Private cremation involves cremating your pet's body alone and collecting the ashes to be returned to the family. Some families spread the remains in a pet's favorite spot and some choose to keep them forever nearby in a memorable urn.

If your family elects cremation, we will respectfully transport your pet to the crematorium for proper care.

If these options are not for you, but you would like to lay your pet to rest, Colorado has 3 unique pet cemeteries with burial options:

- Seven Stones - Littleton, CO

- Precious Memories - Fort Collins, CO

- The Pets - Evergreen, CO

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Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8am - 5pm

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